LAST UPDATED: December 23, 2017
1. Acceptance and change to this Agreement. Welcome on the web-site of"Web-site"). The proprietor of Web-site("we" or "we") gives services on Web-site("Service") on the terms of the real Terms. Using Service, you consent to observe these positions and terms("Agreement"). We reserve a right to change this Agreement at any time. Any such changes inure after a publication on this Web-site. To use Services, you must be adult, to conclude an obligatory treaty and not forbid the use of Services in accordance with the laws of jurisdiction with that you get access to
2. Advising about information on Web-site: Maintenance of this Web-site is given only in informative and entertaining aims and must not be interpreted as a grant of consultations. The information placed on this Web-site is considered although exact and reliable, proprietors / the operators of this Web-site renounce all guarantees, obvious, implied or set by a law, categorically, in relation to exactness, to the timeliness and / or plenitudes of the information contained in this document. As the terms of strange suggestions, mentioned on this Web-site, can be changed without an advance notice, visitors it is recommended independently to check up the terms of any such suggestions to their participating in them. As this Web-site is intended only for the grant of general information, you must discuss the concrete necessities with a skilled specialist. A web-site and maintenance of any information, services or commodities, contained on him("Table" of contents), are given on basis "as
3. Modification or stopping of services. you confirm and accede to that we can at any time change or stop Services and any his functions or stop your access to them without your notification. you acknowledge and accede to that, whatever we carry to responsibility before you or by some third party as a result of such modification or stopping. you can stop the use of Service at any time without an advance notice.
4. Privacy policy. Registration data, date of quotation of insurance and any other information, about you fall under the action of privacy Policy. A privacy policy can be found here. Using Service, you agree to collection and use of this information in accordance with privacy Policy.
5. Service. Service is called to help you to find information, that can interest you, and help you to find foods, services and suppliers that can interest you. We own and save all rights on intellectual property in Service. Although we are not under an obligation to represent content accessible through references in Service, we reserve a right to do it and delete any such references at any time. you acknowledge and accede to that, whatever we carry to responsibility for content of the third parties and that you must estimate any content of the third party and carry all риски constrained with the use of content, including any dependence on exactness or plenitude.
6. Use of Services. you can use Services for the personal use, and accede to that you will not reproduce, copy, copy, sell, trade or by another character use(i) Services in any commercial aims or(ii) Content. you consent to get access to Service through the interface given by this web-site, and that you will not use a robot or some other process for monitoring or printing-down of Services.
7. Content that you send. Sending or sending content in Service(regardless of form or carrier in regard to such content, be that text, video, photos, audio or other), you give to us and our affiliated persons, to the agents and strange contractors eternal, uncalled, in the whole world, royalty and non-exclusive license to reproducing, adaptation, change, translation, reflection, publication, public execution, public reflection and distribution of any content, that you send, publish or show through Services. you bear the individual responsibility for the own materials and for the consequences of publication or publication. In connection with each of your statements you confirm, present and / or guarantee that possess or have necessary licenses, rights, permissions and permissions for foregoing license grants. You accede to that will not be:(i) to give the materials, copyrighted, protected by a commercial secret or by another character subjecting to the rights for the third persons, including rights on inviolability of private life and publicity, if you are not the proprietor of such rights or does not have a license from their legal proprietor to publish material and give to us all rights given in this document; (ii) to publish a lie or distortions that can inflict a damage to us or some third party; (III) presents material, that is illegal, obscene, discreditable, slanderous, threatening, pornographic, abusive, hateful, racial or ethnic abusive or encourages behavior, that will be examined as a criminal crime entailing civil responsibility, breaking the law, or otherwise beside the purpose; or(iv), if you did not get our preliminary direct written consent.
8. Law on the protection of authorial rights in numbers. If you are the proprietor of copyrights or his agent consider that user content violates your copyrights, send notification under the Law on a copyright in a digital epoch(17 USC § 512(c)) to our agent on a copyright with next information:(i ) electronic or physical signature of person, authorized agent to operate on behalf of proprietor of copyright; (ii) description of the broken authorial-legal work; (iii) URL- address of location, containing material, that, on your statement, violates; (iv) your address, telephone number and address of e-mail; (V) statement, that you have conscientious supposition, that the debatable use is not settled by the proprietor of copyright, his agent or law; (vi) statement done by you under penalty of punishment for perjury, that foregoing information in your Notification is exact and that you are the proprietor of copyrights.
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